Seasons of Song
We premiered "SEASONS OF SONG," a new suite of work by artist John Paul Schafer,
at our Fall Concert on October 14.
Artist’s Statement:
For many years, I’ve been aware of the common terminology shared between musicians and visual artists. Such terms like; key, tone, color, value, composition, movement or rhythm, to name a few. And they suggest the same basic meanings, respectively.
Whether notated on a musical staff or whether expressed through paint on canvas, the aim of the expressive artist composing the piece is to achieve a certain tension, whether notated on a musical staff or whether expressed through paint on canvas, the aim of the expressive artist composing the piece is to achieve a certain tension, harmonic and resolve. Ahead of joining Chorale Midwest at the end of August, I had already been thinking about creating a four-seasons suite of paintings that would employ a set of four custom-built frame panels that I designed to receive mixed-media collage, as well painted canvas centerpieces that correspond with their surrounding collage elements. While attending my first Chorale Midwest rehearsal, which for me was a completely new experience, I was filled with such joy and inspiration that I instantly conceived the full scope of my latest, large-scale work. I call this four-seasons suite “Seasons of Song”. It expresses musical themes and gestures, and it cleverly contains the theme of this choral concert season: Hope, Joy and Peace. With sincere gratitude to Dr. Barrett and my fellow singers in Chorale Midwest, I am delighted to present “Seasons of Song” to our combined audiences and patrons. Upon the sale of this whole suite, I pledge half of the proceeds to benefit Chorale Midwest. - John Paul Schafer

Members of the Chorale, their families and friends had a wonderful time in New York City, seeing the sites and rehearsing for hours in preparation for our concert in Carnegie Hall Monday, March 13!
We sang Elaine Hagenburg's Illuminare in a combined choir of about 250 singers under the director James Rodde. Chorale Midwest performed its own set under the direction of Bradley T Barrett - resulting in a standing ovation!
Contact Us
If you are interested in learning more about Chorale Midwest or have any questions about tickets, our performances or auditioning for the Chorale, please contact us at info@choralemidwest.org