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Director of Chorale Activities Bradley T. Barrett

Doctor Bradley T. Barrett has been leading Chorale Midwest for 23 years. Under his leadership and artistic direction, the Chorale has consistently advanced its performance level and increased our repertoire's difficulty. 

Dr. Barrett is an honor graduate from Missouri State University (formerly Southwest Missouri State University) where he received Bachelor's and Master's degrees in voice and choral conducting. He is a summa cum laude graduate of the University of Arizona, where he earned his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in choral conducting, under the tutelage of Dr. Maurice Stones and Dr. Bruce Chamberlain, and vocal performance.

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Dr. Barrett is an honor graduate from Missouri State University (formerly Southwest Missouri State University) where he received Bachelor's and Master's degrees in voice and choral conducting. He is a summa cum laude graduate of the University of Arizona, where he earned his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in choral conducting, under the tutelage of Dr. Maurice Stones and Dr. Bruce Chamberlain, and vocal performance.

Barrett taught choral music in public schools for sixteen years, where his students performed at the state, regional, and national levels as well as concert tours throughout Europe and the United States. His high school students consistently held record numbers of I ratings at both district and state music festivals. During his high school teaching career, his choirs performed in such venues as Sacre Coeur, Notre Dame, Saint Chapelle, St. Johns Church, St. James Church-Piccadilly, Westminster Cathedral, and St. Giles Cathedral. As a member of the National Association of the Teachers of Singing, his private students were consistently named state and regional finalists.


While attending the University of Arizona, he conducted the Symphonic choir, the university’s premiere undergraduate mixed choral ensemble. In addition, he performed roles in several of the university’s Opera Theatre productions, served as opera chorus director, choral assistant for the university-sponsored Community Choir, and vocal soloist for several choral performances/collaborations.


From 2002 – 2009, Dr. Barrett was on faculty at the University of Northern Iowa where he conducted the Varsity Men’s Glee Club, UNI Singers, and the Chamber Singers. During that time, he taught undergraduate and graduate choral conducting, choral methods and techniques, graduate history and survey of large choral forms, and graduate administration of the music program. While at UNI, the Chamber Singers auditioned and were selected to participate in the National ACDA Convention held in Miami, Florida (2007). Under his direction, the Varsity Men’s Glee Club performed in such venues as Ruthin Castle, Christ’s Church-Dublin, St. Asaph’s Cathedral, Sheldonian Theatre, St. Paul’s Covent Garden, St. Vitus Cathedral, Lodz Cultural Center, Chapel of Mirrors, St. Kinga’s Chapel, and Maria Zaccaria Church.


Barrett often serves as a clinician, adjudicator, and director for festivals and competitions throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. Dr. Barrett recently fulfilled his duties as Interim National Repertoire and Standards Chair for College and University, as well as the ACDA North Central Division Repertoire and Standards Chair for College and University. Prior to that assignment, he served the same organization as ACDA North Central Division Repertoire and Standards Chair for Youth and Student Activities. Dr. Barrett has also served as the Iowa delegate to the board of the National Collegiate Choral Organization.


In addition, Barrett had the honor and privilege to serve the Iowa Choral Directors’ Association as the Convention Chair for the 2008 Iowa Choral Director’s Summer Symposium, and in the same year, conducted the Ninth Grade Opus Honor Choir. He is an active member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, American Choral Director’s Association, Music Educators National Conference, Phi Kappa Phi, and Phi Delta Kappa.


In addition to his artistic responsibilities with Chorale Midwest, Barrett has a very active voice studio of over sixty private students and is the Coordinator of Music for St. Ludmila’s Catholic Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Outside his various musical endeavors, he enjoys showing and raising Percheron, Quarter, and Tennessee Walking horses.

Collaborative Accompanist
Ryanne Molinari

Ryanne Molinari graduated summa cum laude from Biola University in 2019 with a B.M. in piano performance and a minor in organ. In 2018, Ryanne was named Biola Conservatory’s “Presser Undergraduate Music Scholar,” one of the highest honors awarded by American music programs. At Biola, Ryanne also studied literature in the Torrey Honors College and was appointed to “The Order of Peter and Paul” in recognition of her academic achievements.


Passionate about interdisciplinary studies, Ryanne’s master’s thesis considered the relationship between music and theology by exploring how private musical practice may serve as spiritual formation.

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Ryanne was recently married and, soon after, moved from her hometown of Gilbert, Arizona to Cedar Rapids, where she has jumped wholeheartedly into the Iowan music community. In addition to her work as a musician, Ryanne continues to publish both academic and creative writing through various online journals, including her personal site,, and she hopes to continue studying the interrelationship of her triple passions: music, literature, and theology.

Chorale Midwest Board of Directors 2024-2025 Season

President: Michelle Horsfall                

Vice-President: Alexia Slauson           

Treasurer: Tony Burton                        

Co-Treasurer: Jonathan Alexander         

Secretary:  TJ Schubert                                

Co-Marketing: Paris Schaul

At-Large: Kit Hersey and Tracy McPartland

Community: John Pacha

Fundraising: Karen Curry

Hospitality: Linda Lehman

Director of Chorale Activities: Bradley T. Barrett

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about Chorale Midwest or have any questions about tickets, our performances or auditioning for the Chorale, please contact us at

@2022 by Chorale Midewest

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